Friday, October 31, 2008

Thank You AFS

American Field Service,


            With great thanks and overwhelming excitement, I accept the Global Leader Scholarship you have awarded me. The funds will help finance my semester trip to Ecuador. I am honored to be recognized as a global leader.

 This is the first scholarship I have been awarded and I cannot explain the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment it brings me. A trip with AFS has been my goal and dream since well before I graduated high school. In the past several months I have worked two minimum wage jobs and conquered what seemed to be an endless application in order to ensure my goal was met.

I extend my deepest and most heart felt thanks to AFS in awarding me the Global Leader Scholarship. As a global leader, I will continue to work diligently and conduct myself as a hardworking, kind and intelligent young man.




Jesse William McIlwain


alizamac09 said...

i'm gonna miss ya,big bro!

Bill Mcilwain said...

I'm excited about your upcoming trip. I think it will be a transforming experience for you, and I look forward to hearing your accounts of your adventures in Ecuador. Keep us posted.

MB Ferrell said...

Nice work, Jesse.
I am excited about your plans.